Revitalizing, Reinvesting, and Renewing The Woodlands' Path to Progress
Water Renewal The Woodlands2025-02-04T08:35:19-06:00

Renewal is Coming

The Woodlands celebrated its 50th anniversary on October 19, 2024. This milestone marks a journey of excellence spanning half a century, with dependable infrastructure contributing to its premier status in America.

To continue providing efficient and reliable service compliant with state and federal regulations, Woodlands Water Agency (Woodlands Water), the 10 municipal utility districts (MUDs) within The Woodlands and the San Jacinto River Authority (SJRA), our wholesale water and wastewater services provider, are collectively developing a long-term modernization and rehabilitation effort known as Water Renewal The Woodlands (Renewal Plan). A key part of this initiative is providing you, our customers, with information, transparency, and opportunities for engagement.

The illustration below is an example of a typical community life cycle and the critical decisions a community like The Woodlands must navigate.

The Renewal Plan is inclusive of water and wastewater infrastructure projects identified in the SJRA Woodlands Division 10-year project plan as well as water and wastewater infrastructure projects identified separately by Woodlands Water. Importantly, the SJRA’s 10-year project plan is updated annually, potentially including additional projects and/or reprioritizing, modifying, or removing projects entirely.

Over the next several years, Woodlands Water, MUDs and SJRA will undertake several key infrastructure projects to renew half-century-old wastewater and water infrastructure in our community, ensuring the soundness of The Woodlands water system for the next 50 years.

Why Now?

As The Woodlands turns 50, so does much of its infrastructure. Some components of the original water and wastewater system are nearing the end of their useful life, despite diligent routine maintenance and repair. The vitality of The Woodlands as a premier place to call home and do business hinges on the reliability of our infrastructure

Like natural life cycles, cities and towns go through phases. They experience rapid growth in their youth, stabilize in maturity, and eventually face the challenges of aging infrastructure in their later years. The mature phase is a critical point where deliberate decisions about reinvestment shape a community’s future.

  • In their growth period, cities and towns often experience rapid growth and a booming economy fueled by the development of new homes and businesses.
  • Most cities and towns then enter their maturity phase where growth, the town infrastructure and economy are relatively stable or slowing.
  • During the mature phase, there is an opportunity to proactively recognize the need for intentional decisions about reinvestments in the community.

Why Now?

As The Woodlands turns 50, so does much of its infrastructure. Some components of the original water and wastewater system are nearing the end of their useful life, despite diligent routine maintenance and repair. The vitality of The Woodlands as a premier place to call home and do business hinges on the reliability of our infrastructure

Like natural life cycles, cities and towns go through phases. They experience rapid growth in their youth, stabilize in maturity, and eventually face the challenges of aging infrastructure in their later years. The mature phase is a critical point where deliberate decisions about reinvestment shape a community’s future.

  • In their growth period, cities and towns often experience rapid growth and a booming economy fueled by the development of new homes and businesses.
  • Most cities and towns then enter their maturity phase where growth, the town infrastructure and economy are relatively stable or slowing.
  • During the mature phase, there is an opportunity to proactively recognize the need for intentional decisions about reinvestments in the community.

Who’s Involved?

Woodlands Water, MUDs and the SJRA work hand in hand to ensure that the residents of The Woodlands, Texas, receive the highest level of service to maintain the attractive and award-winning “live, work, play, learn, pray” lifestyle found in this area.

Woodlands Water Agency

Woodlands Water Agency

Woodlands Water Agency (Woodlands Water) is the central management agency for the ten Municipal Utility Districts (MUDs) that currently serve The Woodlands in Montgomery County.

San Jacinto River Authority (SJRA)

San Jacinto River Authority

San Jacinto River Authority (SJRA) is a government agency whose mission is to develop, conserve, and protect the water resources of the San Jacinto River basin.

Roles & Responsibilities of Each Partner in the Renewal Plan

Woodlands Water, MUDs and the SJRA are collectively investing in a modernization and rehabilitation effort to address aging infrastructure within The Woodlands. Each agency fulfills various roles and responsibilities for the Renewal Plan, as outlined below.

Woodland Water Agency Icon

Woodlands Water

  • Coordinates public education initiatives and supports construction communication for the approximately 34,000 homes and businesses within The Woodlands.

  • Creates the long-term Capital Improvement Plan for the retail water facilities.
  • Along with SJRA, jointly responsible for the delivery and completion of the Renewal Plan.
MUDs in The Woodlands, Texas


  • Governing body for The Woodlands community water and wastewater infrastructure.

  • Each MUD pays their proportionate share of costs to maintain the integrated water and wastewater system in The Woodlands.
  • Taxing authority for their individual districts.
  • Adopts and enforces all necessary charges, fees, and taxes to provide district facilities and services, including those to support water utilities, wastewater, sewage, drainage, and other services.
SJRA icon


  • Creates the 10-year project plan for the wholesale water and wastewater facilities within its Woodlands Division, which is reviewed and updated annually.
  • Supports public education initiatives, in coordination with Woodlands Water.

  • Along with Woodlands Water, is jointly responsible for the delivery and completion of the Renewal Plan.

What’s Included?

Projects to be included in Renewal Plan are currently being determined and prioritized based on available and a variety of data and information, such as:

  • Condition assessments and expected service life,
  • Likelihood and consequence of failure,
  • Repair and rehabilitation history,
  • Staff inspections,
  • Study results, and
  • Impacts of upcoming regulatory changes.

Learn more about the Renewal Plan here.

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